AXCL In-Line Bifurcated Centrifugal Fan
AXCL Overview

- Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) axial fan, manufactured using high quality corrosion resistant resins and fiberglass reinforcing able to withstand temperatures up to 210 deg F.
- For inline applications of medium volume and medium S. P.
- UV inhibitors are added to the resins and are flame retardant class 1 of 25 or less.
- Upblast or Inline backward inclined airfoil centrifugal blower with bifurcated FRP casings
- UV inhibitors are added to the resins and are flame retardant class 1 of 25 or less.
- The bifurcation makes it easy to access the belts, pulleys, bearings and shafts all of which are not in the corrosive air stream.
- Fans may be installed in any position.
AXCL Design Features
- FRP impellers are backward inclined airfoil design, hand laminated. Standard class 2 design for size 1825 and larger.
- Fan motor supports are manufactured of epoxy coated or fiberglass encapsulated structural steel. Supports are adjustable for belt tightening.
- Belt drive applications with fan shaft, fan bearings and v belt drive out of the corrosive air stream.
- Direct drive motors are out of the air stream.
- Motors are available as TEFC, Explosion Proof, or Mill & Chem Duty.
AXCL Applications
- Installations in areas where there is no room for centrifugal blowers.
- Roof mounted applications on a curb cap with butterfly damper and optional FRP roof curb.
- Inline with vertical or horizontal mounting brackets.
- Supply or exhaust air arrangements.
AXCL Sizes and Performance
- Manufactured in 12 sizes from AXCL 1225 to AXCL 4900.
- Capacities from 400 to 50,000 CFM.
- Static pressure up to 9" SP.
AXCL In-Line Bifurcated Centrifugal Fan (PDF catalog)